Many of the things we’ve need for ourselves or our clients simply haven’t been available “off the shelf”. We’ve had to develop our own novel and creative solutions — again utilizing our amended Pareto principle of 90 / 10, in this case to typically get 90% the way there for 10% the cost. It was a lesson learned not too long after our founding, and we have a long history of development.

◉ One of our earliest projects, in the early 90’s when presented with a problem to move data between two very archaic legacy systems, which had terrible interconnection abilities, we came up with a novel barcode based transfer system, which allows these two disparate systems to incorporate each other’s’ data. Again, it could have been done more elegantly, but ours was 90% effective at much less than 10% of the cost, which the elegant solution would have most certainly been.

◉ In 1997, prior to Instagram and Snapchat filters — even Google’s Deep Dream — we created one of the first Photo to Works of Art processes which allow you to convert photos to works of art.

◉ With ScanGo, which was spun off in 2003, we have co-developed a number of technologies, including proprietary image processing algorithms and even proprietary scanning hardware built to scan the “unscannable” and very fragile books from the late 18th century. And we’re still doing it today, now in 3D.

◉ In 2016, we contributed to the technical development of Espheric — a 360 degree immersive drone platform.

◉ Contact us or call us at 1-303-578-8566 to learn more. It doesn’t cost a thing to ask!