Many times data still resides on good old paper or other physical sources (including backup media). For the physical and paper sources we have state of the art scanners, to capture 2D, 3D & even use specialty equipment to safely capture the highest level of data for data preservation and subsequent analysis. We use the term “safely”, because at the turn of the century, we developed a specialty in capturing rare and delicate archival images — this is now a separate company (since 2003) we still work in very close partnership called ScanGo;™.

◉ Scango has has scanned everything from a small piece of the actual Apollo 13 Service Module, to military vehicle piece needing redesign.

◉ Click here to visit ScanGo™ (opens in a new window).

◉ Contact us or call us at 1-303-578-8566 to learn more. It doesn’t cost a thing to ask!